Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Security Guard

Some fungus gnats have been spotted spray painting unwholesome things on morning ink drop mushrooms in over-watered pots. While we believe they are just confused kids exploring their boundaries, the gartment aparden has taken on a night watchman. We think that the headshots he included with his resume are perhaps better suited for an actor than a security guard, but nevertheless we are happy to have him on board.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Stuga Yodio

The apardening staff here at the gartment have two complimentary priorities, maximum space efficiency and holistic wellness. To these ends, a stuga yodio has been established in the extra space made by our exciting new layout.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Majesty Palm

Not dead yet! I was promised by the Internet that these are fragile scam plants, but I've only almost killed one. But it has only been two seasons, so there's still time for them all to pass. They've made it through being divided, infested, over watered, under watered, and doused with pesticides. I bought the one with the most distinct plants in one pot, which I saw as getting free plants. But since dividing and repotting I'm fairly certain the smallest one is more or less dead. It is also somewhat obscured in the picture.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Peace Lilies

These peace lilies have gone through hard times under my fickle, ignorant,  and neglectful care. The small ones taught me a lot about caring for plants, as peace lilies respond fairly quickly to environmental stress. Now, though, they have leaves of all different sizes and health. The large one came to me from mom's. I've let the tips burn a bit and it's so overcrowded I can't effectively check soil moisture and new leaves sometimes get a bit bound up when they sprout. 

Habanero Seedling

These habanero seedlings are my greatest and only success growing something from seed. I have some basil, too, but it is looking rough since I last pruned it, which I had to do since it was growing into a light. At any rate, the basil has been downgraded to not quite a failure just as the habanero seedlings are starting to take off. Nothing seems to keep the aphids away for long, though, so I have to hunt them and squish them by hand.

Coffea walmartica

This was labeled as Coffea arabica, and I have no specific reason to doubt that other than that most plants I buy from Walmart are mislabeled. Sometimes the genus, species, and common name all have nothing to do with each other. This little coffee bush has been doing better under florescent than it did in bright shade outside.